Molly Crabapple

Molly Crabapple

  • The Fight to Save America's Best Free College

    President Bharucha probably wasn’t too happy when, yesterday morning, 50 students took over his office at Cooper Union. He had left the building minutes before. Since the occupation started, 200 students and the entire tenured faculty of the art...

  • Why Draw Pictures?

    Where the respectable avert their gaze, artists stare. In the Renaissance, we dissected bodies in order to grasp the workings of a shoulder joint. We drew naked models at a time when women corseted themselves neck to knees. We took rooms in brothels...

  • Molly Crabapple’s 'SHELL GAME' Opens Tomorrow in NYC, You're Invited

    I've spent the last year making nine giant paintings about the rebellions of 2011: the Greek riots, Occupy Wall Street, Arab Spring… I interviewed dissident Tunisian bloggers, drank with Athenian anti-fascists, got arrested by the NYPD, and live...

  • Talking About My Abortion

    Abortion is sometimes a trauma, sometimes an anticlimax, sometimes a relief. There are a million abortion stories just like there are a million stories about giving birth and going to war. None are representative. This is mine.

  • Lulz and Leg Irons: In the Courtroom with Weev

    On the morning of March 18, I was sitting at the Federal Courthouse in Newark, New Jersey, waiting to hear how long Weev would spend in jail. I didn't go there to write an article. I went because his conviction was wrong, and my friends and I cared for...

  • New York Cops Will Arrest You for Carrying Condoms

    The NYPD will arrest you for carrying condoms, but that depends entirely on who you are. If you're a middle-class white girl like me, you're probably safe. But say you're a sex worker, or a queer kid kicked out of your home. Say you're a trans woman...

  • Shooter Boys and At-Risk Girls

    When I was 12, I was thrown out of school for, among other crimes, drawing headless cheerleaders during English. It was the cherry atop a year of being hauled before earnest adults concerned about my future. I was an at-risk girl. No one would ever...

  • Seville's Squatters: No Light, No Water, No Fear

    Molly Crabapple, who you may remember from her previous posts, The World of a Professional Naked Girl, and Rubber Bullets in the Streets of Madrid is now officially doing a monthly column for us that will feature original writing and illustrations on...

  • Rubber Bullets in the Streets of Madrid

    The night in Madrid smelled like fireworks and spray paint. Riot cops guarded TGI Fridays. A security guard with a kerchief over his face saw a boy spray painting his building. The guard shoved him, hard, to the sidewalk.

  • The World of a Professional Naked Girl

    For every free coffee beauty privilege gets you, it also gets you a guy following you down the steps on the subway, saying he wants to work his tongue into your ass.