Sascha Kouvelis

  • Horrible People Are Exploiting Cambodia's Orphans

    Once upon a time, long before Angelina Jolie got a mastectomy, she adopted a Cambodian child. As a result, privileged Westerners of all nationalities flocked to the country's orphanages in the hope of simultaneously nurturing a child and their own...

  • Is Chinese Big Oil Going to Destroy Ecuador's Amazon?

    To oil and gas companies, the Amazon rainforest is one huge cash cow just begging to be milked. But anyone who'd rather not rid the world of 30 percent of its animal species would probably argue it's a region that shouldn't be destroyed by rich people.

  • The Bizarre and Deadly Fight to Be Crowned the Sultan of Sulu

    Sabah is a moderately sized state in the most northeastern part of Malaysia. It's best known for housing an incredibly brutal Japanese POW camp during World War II. However, it's also been the catalyst for decades of squabbling between the Malaysian...