T. Kid

T. Kid

  • Passing on Traditions

    Beginning with that first visit, bonding between me and my brother always involved weed smoking. On holidays, we would tell the family we needed to go have one-on-one brother time and drive around the suburban streets burning down joints, returning...

  • Finding Weed on Tour

    When I’m not sitting at home in my easy chair, puffing on a corncob pipe and ruminating on what captivating aspect of the marijuana world I’m going to traverse in the next "Weediquette," I indulge in the classic childhood fantasy of being a rock star.

  • Stoner Fashion Decisions

    Fashion week happens year round in major cities around the world, but in New York, it doesn’t just happen. It descends upon us. During these times, I avoid the hoopla of celebrity DJs and promotional vodka for the simpler pastime of getting rip-roaring...

  • Searching for My Stoner Queen

    Janet mentioned she didn’t smoke that often but didn’t hesitate for a second to smash a couple of pro hits off the joint when it got to her. At this point, I felt safe enough unleashing some played-out game, so I told her how hot she looked smoking a...

  • Self Medication

    One thing that I am guilty of is not taking things too seriously. To me, weed is pure pleasure, and I indulge in portions of its culture that fall cleanly into the “shenanigans” category. But weed is something of a wonderdrug for many ailing people.

  • The Serene Stonedness of Dabbing Errl

    For those new to this idea, here’s the breakdown. Hash oil, affectionately known as “errl,” is THC extract derived from weed through a chemical process that I won’t get into (T. Kid no do chemistry). The oil is vaporized using a dabbing pipe, which...

  • More Than Stoner Art

    In this week’s Weediquette, I’m taking a break from the usual shenanigans to bring you something from one of my collaborators. Jai Lennard is a crazy sick fashion and creative photographer. You might remember his work from The Fattiest J Competition.

  • Backrolling

    Like anyone, I’ve established routines throughout my life. There’s a certain way that I brush my teeth, make my bed, peel an orange, and navigate my way through town. But today, I'm trying a new way to roll.

  • First-Timers in the Hindu Kush

    When my uncle and two of his friends from college, Haroon and Kasem, decided to journey from village to village, the verdant slopes and jagged ridges of Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province became the site of an epic, if not altogether safe...

  • Weediquette - I Called the Marijuana Addiction Hotline

    I laid down the details of my weed smoking—three-to-five times in the evening on weekdays, eight-to-ten times on days off, about an eighth and a half a week, ongoing for about ten years. They immediately concluded that I had a problem.

  • The Fattiest J Competition

    When man rests, the competitive essence of his very being does not. It drives him to excel even at relaxation, to best his own capabilities, and of course those of his peers. We are men, and when we chill, we chill hard, and we roll fat, fatter...

  • I Found Smoking Buddies in the SeshRoulette Wasteland

    Timmy and Leif are 16 (we changed their names), and they were hanging out at Timmy’s parents’ house and smoking weed because Timmy’s “parents don’t give a fuck.” They hit up SeshRoulette on a lark and happened to find me staring back at them.