
  • Electric Independence

    This issue, Electric Independence picked the brain of our guest critic, Jacob Poznanski. He's ten years old and lives in Stamford, a picturesque town in Lincolnshire, not far from Peterborough.

  • Records

    Cute kids review some music.

  • Records

    An overfed and under-talented party tart clumsily deconstructing gender dynamics is as threatening to the mainstream as Weird Al doing a Toby Keith parody—and certainly far less entertaining.

  • Records

    I'm a go on record and say this: T.I. isn't really a dope rapper. I don't know what the big deal is about the guy. I couldn’t even recognize him on a song until like a year ago.

  • Black Ships Ate This Guy

    The bonafide masterpiece of a new record by goth folk hero Current 93 (a.k.a. David Tibet) is about black ships flying in the sky, the return of Christ, and the Antichrist (in the form of Cæsar) battling for control of the universe.

  • Electric Independence

    If you love spending money you haven’t got on incredibly cool and expensive psychedelic disco records that you’ll play maybe four or five times before filing them away, then New York’s just-so Whatever We Want deserves to be your new favourite label.

  • Secret Sounds

    If you’ve ever heard an Ariel Pink record you’ll know that his music somehow sounds like everything and nothing at the same time.

  • Older Team

    Never knowingly understated, Mogwai’s manager Alan McGee is running around town saying things like: “Honestly mate, no word of a fucking lie, the new Mogwai record is going to have the same impact as Loveless did.”