
  • The Permutating Brain of Stephen Dixon

    Stephen Dixon has published at least 27 books of fiction, yet he has somehow been overlooked as one of the masters of recording how a person thinks, how days go, what it feels like to be alive inside a brain.

  • Holes and Bodies and Secrets and Skin and Death

    Despite all the complaints about the small press being dead, I think more books have come out this summer than maybe ever before. There are so many new books coming out every month you could build a house out of them and bury yourself in it, reading...

  • The Beatles Are Dead, Fassbinder Is Alive

    My favorite music videos were always the ones that looked like the bands had been locked in a house somewhere, forced to take part in a nightmarish Kenneth Anger or David Lynch movie. James Pate’s novel The Fassbinder Diaries feels like that...

  • All My Favorite Narrators Are Women

    I never liked dude-bro narrators like Bukowski’s or Updike’s. There’s something off-putting about voices that seem too male, or at least that flaunt their dick in a way that seems to scream, "I HAVE A SMALL ONE." There are so many female voices that...

  • Postmodernism and Sumo Wrestlers: An Interview with Joseph McElroy

    Joseph McElroy is one of postmodernism’s major players, and at age 82, he's still kicking. His new book, Cannonball, tells the complicated story of an inexperienced photographer, who shoots government staged propaganda during the Iraq War...

  • Inside the Mind of a Female Pedophile

    Less language-heavy than Lolita, more suburban than American Psycho, Alissa Nutting's new novel, Tampa is for certain a book that forces the reader to sit up and recalibrate the shape of their beliefs, while at the same time...