
  • George Saunders

    George Saunders is that rare sort of writer who may have gone ahead and invented a new genre.

  • Literary

    We recently got our hands on a few “history” books a friend of ours brought back from Pyongyang.

  • Literary

    You could be forgiven for feeling a little let down with London’s current crop of DIY punk activity. Alternative comedy, however, although roughly the same age as punk, has over the last few years come into its own as far as “doing it yourself” is...

  • Literary

    If you buy this book, skip Afrika Bambaataa’s foreword and Jeff Chang’s pointless timeline (“1984—Brian DePalma’s Scarface is released”) and go straight to Buddy Esquire’s Flyer Art section.

  • Music Forever

    With their boring name, neat graphics, tasteful website ( and less-than-scintillating answers to our piercing questions (see below), it looks as if Gothenburg duo Studio are trying their hardest to send us off to Snoozeville in the world’s...

  • Books On A Budget

    Do you like spending shitloads of money on stuff you don't really need? I mean who are you, really, if you can't drop a couple thou here and there on what-ever-the-fuck? What's the point of even drawing another breath if you can't live a little?

  • And They Rode on in the Friscalating Dusklight

    Oh, so fiction is a waste of time that doesn't teach you anything? Really? Well how about a little piece of fiction called THE BIBLE.

  • Reading With Polythene Sheets

    These New Puritans are four gaunt, well-spoken 19-year-olds who've been clumped into the imaginary "Southend Scene" (one club night is not a scene) with bands like The Horrors.

  • I Want My Dvds

    We did it again. First there was SCTV, then Kids in the Hall, then Nardwuar, then Trailer Park Boys, then Fubar, and now there’s Kenny vs. Spenny, two Canadian roommates competing solely for the joy of humiliating the loser.

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    There was a time I was way over black-and-white photography. Now I seek it out and feel relieved when I am looking at it, like, “Ah, that’s nice.” Color photos were starting to burn my eyes.

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    Some of the worst books ever written are those by “former” gangsters or football hooligans about their shitty, pointless lives.

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    We are usually against necrophilia, but if there is one corpse that deserves to have slow, magical love made to it, it’s John Belushi’s. He represents a golden era of comedy celebrity, and the world will never see the likes of him again.