
  • Dodge the NSA with This Fancy Encrypted Messaging Service

    With all the talk pinging back and forth around the interwebs in the ongoing NSA clusterfuck, there's a real surge in the demand for encryption-based messaging services. is one such service founded by Peter Sunde, one of the creators of the...

  • No One Knows Exactly Why the Canadian Military Is in Haiti

    For a country that basically invented the concept of the peacekeeper, the current administration has overseen a nosedive to the point where the Canucks now rank 57 out of 114 troop-contributing nations worldwide. So the move to partake in a UN...

  • Why Did Toronto's Pride Parade Shut Out the Trans March?

    This weekend, after years of fighting for the right to be seen and heard, thousands of people took to Yonge Street in the largest Trans March of all time. This wasn't the largest Trans March in Canada—this was the largest Trans March in the world. Ever.