Civil Liberties

  • Adrian Raine Says He Can Predict if You'll Be a Criminal

    The future that psychologist Dr. Adrian Raine predicts falls somewhere between Philip K. Dick's most outlandish speculations and a serious cause for alarm. Come 2034, with the economic cost of crime spiraling, the US government introduces a program of...

  • A Utah Woman Is Being Prosecuted for Filming a Slaughterhouse from a Public Street

    Even if you don't give two figs about the welfare of animals, if you care about civil liberties and free expression, this is outrageous stuff: The United States' first prosecution under so-called ag-gag legislation has begun.

  • Hungary Is Destroying Itself from the Inside

    Although Hungary isn't a country famed for its defenses, in 2013 it's not alien armies they have to worry about: it's the burgeoning far-right movement, a worrying level of state control, and an increase in censorship all brewing within its own borders.

  • All Politicians Should Talk as Much as Rand Paul Just Did

    Yesterday was one of those rare days when you could feel good about something that happened in Congress: Rand Paul stood up just before noon, started talking about drones, and didn’t stop for 13 hours. He spoke at length about something he cares about...

  • Down in the Hole

    The cops definitely use the box as a tool, and it’s been seriously overused. In New York, the box is officially called a Special Housing Unit (SHU), and it is a serious tool to keep the inmates in check. I did very limited box time, and it scared the...