
  • The English Way

    It is often said that the English suffer from a lack of patriotic feeling. Only a tiny minority of us indulge in public displays of national pride, and even this minority only do so on very special occasions. Can you imagine a similar number of...

  • On the Death of a Dog I Should Have Loved Better

    I am surprised to find myself depressed upon the death of my dog this past Sunday during our fishing trip on Lake Pontchartain. I am surprised I’m even calling Meshcha “my dog,” as I was never very fond of her, and didn't want her in the first place...

  • Some Photographs from the All About Pets Show

    After 20 years, the All About Pets Show remains Canada's largest pet convention. Our pal Nathan Cyprys went out to take photos of all the cute animals and their weird owners. He spent his time being surrounded by howling kids and animals and he loved...

  • Is Your Dog a Butterface? This Guy Can Help

    It’s no surprise that dog owners around the world spend bazillions to ensure that their butt-sniffing buddies are happy, healthy, and looking good—including paying plastic surgeons to achieve their ideas of pooch perfection. Edgard M. Brito is one of...

  • The Celebrity Dogs Who Are More Powerful than People

    Last weekend, I attended America’s Family Pet Expo in Costa Mesa, California. This massive annual pet expo attracts thousands of people for a host of reasons. One of the biggest draws, though, was the celebrity pet event—a showcase of trained dogs who...

  • From Rags to Bitches

    My dog Herb was found wandering the streets. Now he drinks puppy chinos and has a $65 lead. I’m reluctant to let anything from the mere supermarket touch his baby fur seal soft body. This has caused me to wonder: What can I get for Herb?

  • What’s the Best Way to Kill a Puppy?

    Even if you accept the premise that kill shelters are a necessary evil and that ownerless dogs should be put down so they don't live aimless lives as nonpets, wouldn't you agree that puppy gas chambers are a crime against civilized sensibility and a...

  • Is It Weird When Pets Watch You Have Sex?

    I used to date a guy who had a beautiful gray cat, and as a cat mommy myself, it pleased me to no end that I’d found a cat daddy to copulate with. That was until, midcoitus, I found myself face to face with said feline.

  • Geto Boys

    Oh fuck! Chuck's on a killing spree.

  • Would You Eat a Family Member to Survive?

    With stories of starving rural families killing and eating their own children to survive coming out of North Korea over the last couple of weeks, we began to argue over whether it was OK to eat your parents. To answer the question definitely, we asked...

  • Your Dog Is Full of Dirty Diseases

    Recent research has shown that sharing an ice cream cone with your dog or letting your cat nap on your face isn’t just unhygienic, it could kill you, shit-for-brains, so cut it out.

  • I Found a Dog, Will One of You Guys Adopt It?

    A few days ago I was walking along Fountain Avenue in Los Angeles when I saw a dog running in the road. Cars were swerving around her, and she almost got hit a couple of times. So I chased after her, and found her cowering in an alley.