Fukushima Daiichi power plant meltdown

  • Shimpei Takeda Makes Art Out of Radioactive Dirt

    Shimpei Takeda was born in Japan and spent a lot of his youth in Fukushima, hanging out in the shadow of the reactor that would later meltdown and cause one of the worst...

  • Geriatric Nuclear Reactors Could Kill Us All

    In America, you need a license to drive, but apparently not to run a nuclear reactor. Entergy Corp. is slated to become the first company in history to operate a reactor without a license this fall. The energy corporation’s rogue reactor is located at...

  • Radioactive Man

    Today marks the second anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Japan and caused one of the most serious nuclear disasters in world history. The surrounding towns were evacuated in a rush, leaving empty homes and uncared-for animals. In the small...

  • Inside the Abandoned Radioactive Towns of Japan

    Photographer Toshiya Watanabe's family lived in Namie, a town in the fallout zone of the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant meltdown, which is now abandoned two years later. Toshiya has gone back to document the changes, or lack thereof, that he sees in his...