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  • Somaliland's Circus Performers Are Acrobats with a Social Mission

    The performers draw people in with the novelty of the circus and then hit them with didactic plays on the major social ails of the country, like khat abuse, human trafficking, unemployment, and female genital mutilation.

  • Hyenas in Ethiopia Will Eat Out of Your Mouth

    Anywhere else in the world, feeding a hyena by mouth would be a terrible idea. In Harar, Ethiopia, however, the residents have developed a unique symbiosis with the hyena population, transforming a regional villain first into a carrier of prophecy and...

  • My Time with One of Somaliland’s Khat Kingpins

    Khat is a longstanding part of Somali culture, and people familiar with the plant in Yemen and Ethiopia jump to defend it as a recreational social lubricant. But it’s not so benign in Somaliland anymore. Ethiopian growers flood the market, realizing...