
  • I Spoke to the Hurricane Sandy Meme Model

    The provocative mastermind is Brazilian-born Nana Gouvêa, who is very keen to let everyone who's been offended by the photos know that she is NOT modeling, just someone standing in choreographed poses in front of a camera.

  • Get Stoned and Look at Our Homemade Pro-athlete Stoner Memes

    I have no doubt that at this very instant there are hundreds if not thousands of Very Serious Stoners sitting around, getting high, eating crunchy stuff from a bag, and watching the Olympics; it's the summer and everyone is out of work. There’s nothing...

  • What's Your Favorite Internet Meme?

    The wonderful-wide-web has made LOLs easier to come by than ever, and you couldn’t be happier. You love the internet a lot, we know. But how much do you love memes? And which is your favorite?