
  • Hearing the Spurs

    As I age, my ear is retuning itself; I can finally hear something other than “ugh” watching the San Antonio Spurs play, which is cool, except how it parallels suddenly finding a 'Rod Stewart Sings the Standards' record soulful and great.

  • Jason Collins Shook a Few Bigots Out of the Homophobe Tree

    Jason Collins made his big “I'm gay” announcement last week. Big news like this can't help but be met with a vocal minority of the religious-minded seeing this as a “test” from the man upstairs, and the only way they'll pass is by letting their...

  • Joe Johnson Is Very Big in China: A Love Story

    By day, Yonsan Johnson is an electrical engineer who ekes out the equivalent of $2,400 a year in a factory in northern China. By night, though, he manages the Chinese Joe Johnson Fan Club, and he has accumulated and edited what is likely the world’s...