presidential debates

  • Obama May Have Won the Debate, But Mitt's Got a Binder Full of Bitches

    I decided the best place to watch the showdown was at a bar appropriately named the Lost Love Lounge. It’s the type of place you could feel comfortable drinking away your sorrows in peace, at least until they come back around at 2 AM with a vengeance...

  • The Presidential Debate Moderators Are Pathetic Cowards

    The people in charge of picking the questions didn't ask about drug legalization, abortion, same sex marriage, or domestic surveillance. It's enough to make you want to light up a joint with your same-sex partner and ignore the debates completely.

  • On the Road with Obama and Romney - Part 4

    The first Obama-Romney debate dirtied the robes of majesty. That, I think, was the great loss for the president in it. He spoke with Romney as though the machine of power really was something they could just tune up, and that has never really been this...