• Krohn’s Disease - Angry Lesbians Are Everywhere

    Angry people are everywhere. I should know because I’m one of them. I’m not a lesbian, but I am very angry. Mostly at people, but occasionally at animals. I’m also angry towards politicos for ruining the terms “hope” and “opportunity” with their lack...

  • With God on All Sides

    Many evangelical Christian Republicans, from Chuck Norris on down, would have you believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ. Other Americans, presumably Democrats, actually believe Obama is Christ. Everyone wants to claim that Christ is on their side...

  • Ten Assholes Up for Re-Election in 2012

    Lately, everybody has been focusing on the assholes at the top of the ticket, but there are a slew of Republicans and Democrats up for re-election this Novemeber who personify what it means to be a human anal cavity.