supreme court

  • Police Shot a Black Friday Shoplifter and New J.D. Salinger Stories Leaked

    Because this week was Thanksgiving, I worried I would have no bad news to recap. Thankfully, cops shot a shoplifter on Black Friday, the producer of The Bachelor went H.A.M. on an old lady, and some asshole leaked J.D. Salinger stories.

  • Obama Blames Kimye, Not Corrupt Politicians, for the Death of the American Dream

    In a recent interview, Obama blamed Kimye for the death of the American dream. But Obama should probably look past the relatively harmless world of reality-television materialism and examine his administration and the leaders that have come before him...

  • Dread Judges

    The Supreme Court is increasingly politicized and prone to making far-reaching rulings that negate laws passed by Congress. You can call the US a democracy if you like, but most of the important policy choices are made by an unelected council.

  • Don't Celebrate the Gay Marriage Victory with a Wedding of Your Own

    To all my homosexual brothers and sisters: I am cheering with you today. But just because we can get married, doesn't mean that we should. Gay culture is new to legal recognition, so, like our first time getting drunk at a high school...

  • The Voting Rights Act Is a Mess, but We Still Need It

    The Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act today on the grounds that while the South used to be hella racist back in the 60s, things are now way more chill, thanks in part to the VRA, so the law doesn't need to exist in its...

  • Should Murderers Be Allowed State-Funded Sex Changes?

    After dragging on for years, the request of Michelle Kosilek, a.k.a. Robert Kosilek, to have the state pay her medical costs for sex-reassignment surgery has finally reached the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.

  • After Gay Marriage, Why Not Polygamy?

    The idea that after gay marriage is legalized, polygamy will be next—and then bestiality and legal unions between lawn mowers and volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica and so on—is one of the main arguments that social conservatives trot out to...

  • Inmates Love Lawsuits

    A prisoner named Kim Millbrook won a Supreme Court case with a handwritten petition, which is impressive. Thanks to him, inmates have the right to sue scumbag pork chops in federal jails, but the truth is that an assload of taxpayer money gets wasted...

  • Harley Flanagan Says He Was Like a White Mike Tyson at Rikers

    Harley Flanagan, the former Cro-Mags bassist arrested in July for stabbing the new Cro-Mags bassist, arrived with a head of gray hair to his court date Thursday and left with an adjournment. He spoke to Jim Genia about Rikers and MMA.