
  • A Mexican In... Stockholm

    Vice: Do many Mexicans move to Scandinavia?

  • You Can't Go Home Again

    Mostafa Alshawi fled from Iraq to Sweden with his family when he was three. 20 years later he returned to his home country. He's a proud member of the Shia Islamic clan of the fishermen in Iraq, and in Sweden he is enrolled in the Police Academy.

  • Leaving Iraq

    For years there has been a steady stream of people leaving Iraq. Our Iraqi buddy Isam Kalka tells us people make a pit stop in Jordan or Syria because it's close and the countries have a history with Iraq, but after that most people travel on elsewhere.

  • Doomsday Metal

    A week or so ago, Satan decided to spew his hatred over Linköping, Sweden. And he sure wasn’t the only one…

  • Pills Of Sweden

    When I was going through my "classic rock" phase, I asked my mom if she was a hippie in the 60s and if it had been awesome.

  • Doomsday Disco

    Are musicians who copy their favourite artists' music and even put a pride in showing it the most detestable people of all?