talkin' 'bout the boards

  • This Is What Classifies as Gonzo These Days!?

    Dear VICERS: It's me Nick Gazin, and I'M back to let YOU know that I can really shake it down. Do you love me? As I sometimes like doing, I drew little cartoons about the three dumbest comments left on VICE this week.

  • Satan's Favorite Column

    Dear VICE readers, happy Friday! Each week I peruse your comments and find the stupidest. Then I humiliate you by drawing pictures of them. How do you like that? Honestly, let me know. I have no idea.

  • Animals Have No Concept of Money

    There comes a time in every person's life when they are driven by some invisible force to clumsily type their opinions onto a website that they do not own nor have any real reason to feel a sense of ownership over. This website is not immune to those...