The Shit Issue

  • Super Freaks 10

    When I was in high school I wanted nothing more in this world than to be black. I did just about everything I could to make that dream come true.

  • One Foot In The Gutter One Fist In The Goal

    "For really, what is the bedrock of all male aspiration, if it isn't cunt and money?"-Iceberg SlimEvolving out of the adolescent fetishizing that spawned Star Wars Breakbeats

  • Steady Bombin'

    On Saturday, April 21st, at the age of 29, Hector Saul Ramirez (AKA Hec) was struck and killed by the G train while bombing between stops. His wife Cristina Ramirez and friend Tami Brown wrote the following

  • Dear Diary

    It's cold tonight! And it's JUNE! I hate that. I lost student council president. They're probably going to make me secretary or something gay like that!!! UGH! Why do I bother! You know what I want. I want to get out of here. OR BETTER. I want to be...

  • Literary

    LENNY BRUCE IS DEADThe order of my favorite sentences from my new favorite book:3. “Josh liked doing it doggie-style because Mimi had an ass full of