Volume 11 Τεύχος 3

  • No More Work

    Kate Wax had a job once. She sold sports shoes in a shop in Geneva but hated it.

  • M.O.P.'s Mommy

    M.O.P. are the music industry's biggest bullies, the gun-clapping Ted Nugents of hip-hop.

  • I Love The Libertines

    Things started to get really dark for The Libertines around about the time they were making the debut album with Mick Jones in London.

  • Lightning Bald

    Lighting engineers are the kings of rock and roll.

  • Ungrateful Dead

    Yes, I'm a funeral director. That doesn't mean that I stand there in a jacket and skirt at someone's wake comforting the bereaved family. Nope.

  • The VICE Guide to Becoming a Whore In 2004

    Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Suicide Girls get to have hairy armpits, and it's fun to put your picture up on onlyundiesclub.com, but that's playacting. Real sex work is about showing up at a millionaire...

  • The World's Greatest Job

    I thought jizz moppers didn't exist anymore. Isn't it illegal to beat off in public places now?

  • Beats And Rhymes

    You know how Black British music doesn't count for shit outside of London? Maybe the main reason is that so many British rappers are lazy potheads.