Volume 13 Τεύχος 4

  • TB in Russia

    Tuberculosis is a contagious disease that spreads through the air just like the common cold. Someone with TB can cough or sneeze and infect others (10 to 15 people a year on average) with the bacteria known as bacilli.

  • Whores On Wheels

    Moscow is awash in whores. They come to Russia's capital, the lone island of wealth in a Eurasian ocean of wretched poverty, from all over the former Soviet Union.

  • Over The Counter Habits

    The FSB (which is like the FBI but waaaay scarier) gassed the “Nord-Ost” hostages with it in October 2002 to prevent some Chechen mujahadeen from blowing the building up with 900 or so hostages inside. The women and children simply OD’d on the stuff...

  • Ra-Ra Rasputin

    The Favourite Sons are the reason Ken Griffith isn’t currently mopping vomit off the floor of a Brooklyn drinking hole. After Irish noise-pop demi-gods Rollerskate Skinny split in 1997 he decided to have one last go with Kid Silver.

  • Vice Fashion - Mail-Order Brides

    The real Russia is in provincial cities and towns like Tver, where we found these girls. They are all members of a local bridal agency (tverromance.com) and would like to marry you.

  • Bible Bashers

    Sometimes, you’ll know a British band by how they make something poetic out of their experience of living in the UK. You’ll usually notice that their songs find some way to romanticize what is essentially a small, rainy country where summer lasts ten...

  • Dubiina Box *

    Fuck, Russian TV is bad. It takes "so bad it's good" into entirely new realms. The best (worst) of Russian TV is so utterly abysmal that it's completely amazing. Here are the worst (best) shows that it has to offer.

  • Born to Run

    Do you miss Russia?

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    There was a time I was way over black-and-white photography. Now I seek it out and feel relieved when I am looking at it, like, “Ah, that’s nice.” Color photos were starting to burn my eyes.

  • Literary Gulag

    Edward Limonov is the leader of the National-Bolsheviks Party, a radical left-wing movement that was outlawed by the Russian Supreme Court, but which has emerged as the leading opposition to President Putin. The NBP’s membership numbers in the...