
  • 'The Gatekeepers' Is the Most Boring Movie You Should See This Year

    'The Gatekeepers' is an astonishingly boring film that you should probably see. Astonishingly boring because people make interesting documentaries about such boring shit that it has become part of the strategy to presume your lack of interest and turn...

  • The US's Stealth Fighter Is Too Heavy and Slow

    The Pentagon's pursuit of the Lockheed Martin F-35 stealth fighter jet has been a heartbreaking one. If you're a taxpayer, the program's estimated $1 trillion price tag probably breaks your heart a little bit.

  • Should Women Be Allowed to Fight on the Frontline?

    Women are great at washing up, looking after the kids, and doing the cooking for their hardworking husbands. We were wondered if it was worth ruining all that good stuff just so they could fight on the frontlines of war. For an answer, we asked a bunch...

  • Killing Up Close

    William Wold seemed fine when he came home from Iraq. Wold had begged his mother to sign a parental-approval form when he wanted to join the Marines at 17, taking extra online classes to graduate a year early in order to do so. But after four years of...

  • What Happens When the Food Runs Out?

    By the second part of this century wars won’t be fought over land or oil, but rather food. Or more specifically, the lack of it.

  • Living the American Dream in the West Bank

    Prospective settlers of Hashmonaim receive a handy FAQ sheet: “Is this area over the ‘Green Line?’ ” reads one question. “Geographically and tax-wise, yes,” the sheet explains. But because it’s guarded by armed men and the Israeli government sanctions...

  • Global Fear League 2013

    It's time yet again for our annual Global Fear League, your guide to which countries will be held up by our media as bastions of terror this year—the year the world finally gives in and surrenders itself to the delicious prospect of all-out war.

  • Broken Hearts, Lost Minds, and Missing Limbs

    I am an American reporter. Aziz and I have worked together in Afghanistan since 2004. On this trip, I am reporting on the consequences of more than 30 years of war by spending time with a handful of its victims.

  • George Bush and Tony Blair Are Officially War Criminals

    We talked to the commissioner of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission, which, unlike the International Criminal Court in the Hague, has found George W. Bush and Tony Blair responsible for crimes against peace.

  • Interviews with Syrian Army Defectors

    Today, we're serving up two interviews Robert King conducted in the field with Abu Ahmad, a civil engineer and defector from the Syrian Army, and Akhi Muhammad, a defected Free Syrian Army officer from Damascus.

  • Inside Aleppo's 'Stalingrad'

    I am traveling with the Free Syrian Army on the front line of the al-Arqub neighborhood in Aleppo. Sniper rounds crack as the bullets zip over our heads. The acidic taste of gunpowder scares my throat and burns my waterless tear ducts. Just a half mile...

  • On the Lam in Lebanon

    It’s dusk when the rebels move into position within a cluster of lemon and olive groves about 300 feet from the Syrian border post north of the bleak and dusty Lebanese farming village of al-Qaa. I’m watching the operation from behind the troops with...