
  • Black Dave and Pro Era Take Over Williamsburg

    This week, Verena caught up with Black Dave and Pro Era as they jammed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. She brought us photos of the steamy performance, backstage graffiti, and some happy fans.

  • Parisians' Sordid Love Affair with Brooklyn

    In the Paris subcultures that love peppering their conversation with English and wear outfits that would even be obnoxious in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is a Wes-Anderson-meets-Woody-Allen fever dream and being called a hipster is an odd kind of compliment.

  • I Can't Fuck You All, Barbiturates, and Jay Arner

    People mistake my sexual nature for a desire to have sex with them, or more accurately, somehow mistake my sexual openness with an expectation that I'll have sex with them. Not everyone of course. But the other day, someone was trying to fuck me whom I...

  • A Chinese New Year Boozefest in Brooklyn

    You know when you're eating something that's not soup dumplings, and you think, 'Maaaan, I really wish this turkey sandwich from a bodega was actually soup dumplings'? We do that all the time, just about every day at lunch. Soup dumplings are like a...

  • grown-up meals

    I always get really embarrassed when I talk about my trip to Italy. I’ll get questions like, “Did you go to the glass factory when you were in Venice? It’s amazing,” and I’ll always shyly answer, “No, but I ate at this one restaurant by the Jewish...

  • I Went to the Juergen Teller Opening and Had an OK Time

    Juergen Teller had an opening for his new series of work, which involves walking around the woods with his mom and taking pictures. We went and have the scoop, or lack thereof.

  • VICE Mail

    Instead of replying to your letters this month, we are going to quote back to each person the parts of their letter that we would have zeroed in on had we bothered to reply. In other words, the words or phrases in which the writer truly reveals their...

  • Kill Her, Mommy!

    Aspiring boxer Jackie Geronimo is truly a timeless heroic mother figure.