This story is over 5 years old.

taji's mahal

Jade's Roll

For this week's Mahal, in honor of the recent warm weather in New York City, I bring you Jade Katzenellenbogen's photographs of even warmer people. Here is what she had to say about the series: "I've learned over these past couple of years how...

For this week's Mahal, in honor of the recent warm weather in New York City, I bring you Jade Katzenellenbogen's photographs of even warmer people. Here is what she had to say about the series of photographs of her friends:

"I've learned over these past couple of years how important it is to keep taking film photos. Looking through boxes of photographs with my mom really makes me appreciate all those times I didn't want my picture taken, or people who are not with me anymore. I love to take photos of things that will make me smile later and I think it's important to capture time and turn it tactile for years later."

Photos by Jade Katzenellenbogen

Previously - Shredding with Galen Dekemper