James Tennent

  • Moroccans Are Sick of Their Country's Pedophile Problem

    When convicted Spanish pedophile Daniel Fino Galvan was pardoned by the king of Morocco last month, ferocious protests erupted all over the country. In response to the widespread outrage, the king revoked the pardon and Galvan was rearrested a few days...

  • Interviewing the Editor of the Middle East's Version of the 'Onion'

    The Pan-Arabia Enquirer is a satire website much like the Onion, but based in the Middle East, a region that isn't traditionally known for being very good at laughing at itself. I got in touch with its editor to find out what it's like running a...

  • On the Hunt for 'Indigo Children': The Next Stage in Human Evolution

    If adults want to call themselves "indigo" because they can't hold down a job or didn't fit in at school, then I don't suppose there's too much harm in that. However, as with most Big Topics—war, famine, runway fashion shows—the whole thing gets far...