• Mexico’s Female Professional Wrestlers Do It for the Love

    Journalist Marta Franco followed several female wrestlers in Mexico, known as luchadoras, in order to document their passion for the sport, their feats of strength and athleticism, and their struggle to be recognized on the same level as men...

  • Editing Homophobia out of the “Islamic Tradition”

    Slave rape, marital rape, and plural marriage might be unpleasant to consider as part of Islamic sexuality, but they are deeply embedded in our established sources. But I do not believe that Islamic tradition is frozen in stone. Every translation is an...

  • Atheism - Sexism = Atheism +

    Sometimes being a lady atheist can put you in close proximity with “enlightened” male unbelievers who make rape jokes because, well, there’s no God to punish them. Atheist blogger Jennifer McCreight set up an online forum that fights that kind of...

  • Me Vs. “Me”

    Disassociative identity politics is when anyone decides to cast a Hail Mary vote, maybe on the basis of likability or on some imagined basis of a very different Future Me or something, thus avoiding the participatory requirement of their minitribe in...

  • The Guatemalan Lady Killers

    While Mexico fights a war against the drug cartels that control much of its northern border, a lesser-known struggle is talking place in Guatemala, its neighbor to the south.