This story is over 5 years old.


We hebben iemand gevonden die Beyoncé haat

Iedereen houdt van Beyoncé. Dat blijkt maar weer uit de recensies van haar optreden gisteren in Amsterdam. Wij vonden iemand die haar haat om haar muziek te recenseren.

Ik hou niet van Beyoncé. Ik denk zelfs dat ik haar haat. Ze zorgt voor een serieuze breuk tussen mij en mijn vrienden en zelfs tussen mij en virtuele vreemden. Wanneer ik iemand tegenkom die ik ‘van het internet ken’ is de eerste opmerking altijd: ‘jij bent die dude die Beyonce haat’. En dat ondanks haar vocale talenten, die ik wel degelijk herken. Toch is er een kans (of beter: een zekerheid) dat ik haar door deze levenslange haat heb onderschat. Om die reden heb ik besloten mijn afkeer eens opzij te zetten en te luisteren naar negen nummers van Mrs Carter (een aanspreekvorm aanbevolen door vrienden die lid zijn van de groep #Beyhive), om uit te zoeken of mijn haat oprecht is of dat ik het gewoon leuk vind om Public Enemy #1 te zijn. Quote Drake: "Girls Love Beyoncé." Jongens houden ook van Beyoncé. Tijd dus om uit te zoeken of ook ik liefde voor haar heb. Lees verder in het Engels.



Figure I should start with the one Beyoncé song I unabashedly love, right? Positivity, basedness, etc. Anyway, this is still a perfect example of a pop song, even if Jay’s verse is dumb as hell. The bombast of the choruses still GOES, and Bey’s verses have aged well. The “uh oh uh oh uh oh oh no no” part will be embedded into my subconscious until the day that C’thulu rises to wipe us all out. Odds are, he’ll be doing the Beyonce booty dance while he does it.

Verdict: Still a jam; find me a person who disagrees because if I don’t they probably don’t exist.


Remember when putting Sean Paul on a track was a great idea? Good times. Anyway, I can fuck with this. The “Arabic” influences here give it a bit of flavor beyond normal dancehall stuff, and Beyoncé’s vocal performance here is pretty solid. Also, “Baby boy, let’s conceive an angel” is hilarious given the context (singing it to Sean Paul while secretly dating Jay-Z). No word on whether Blue Ivy is said angel; wouldn’t that be a plot twist?

Verdict: Why the fuck did Sean Paul not come out when Bey played this during the Super Bowl? What else could he possibly have been doing? I’d like to imagine Sean Paul missing the Beyoncé rep’s call because he was too busy tending to his hair plugs.


Another terrible Jay-Z guest (has anyone ever been able to get more out of doing less than Hov?)! The verses on this song are not bad, but Jesus, I’m okay with never hearing this chorus again. That DirecTV commercial was the worst thing that happened to whatever NBA season it premiered during.


Verdict: I wish I could upgrade this by taking Jay-Z out.


This actually is one of the best videos of all time, but the song itself is boring, with its commendable girl-power message clouding out the random synth farts and the bass-drum-driven percussion. The beat’s hand claps drive me insane every time I hear it, and the famous chorus runs out of ideas before Beyoncé just reprises the “Uh oh” part of “Crazy In Love.” HOWEVER, I had never noticed the bridge, which is solid as hell. It adds some conflict to this relatively safe single, which was sorely needed. “Like a ghost, I’ll be gone” is cheesy but her delivery there sells it.

Verdict: I wouldn’t put a ring on this, but with taking it out to dinner or something.


I wonder if this song would have hit better if a) video phones were an actual thing that people used and b) if it wasn’t followed by the superior-in-every-way “Telephone.” The beat goes, but lyrically, this is probably the weakest of these ten songs and the chorus lacks the earworm qualities from some of Beyonce’s best hits; specifically, this song could have used the “uh oh” part that I just admonished in “Single Ladies” The line “What? You want me naked? If you like this position, you can tape it” is pretty out there for Bey, though, and I can get into her taking that randomly dirty perspective.

Verdict: Can’t wait for the “Facetime Remix.”



Yeah, I still don’t ‘get’ this song. Whenever I asked a friend to recommend a song for this piece, “Countdown” was literally (LITERALLY) mentioned 100% of the time. I

Verdict: The mix is too busy, but it’s confident in Bey’s sound and it’s unique, so that’s okay I guess.


Major Lazer did it better.

Verdict: Seriously, Major Lazer did it better.


Zzzzzzz. This song is the musical equivalent of NyQuil to me. Bey tries her damndest to make this song pop, but it’s way too slow-tempo for her talents. She’s definitely not at her best doing ballads, in my humble opinion, and this is the most ballad ballad that anyone has ever balladed. Also, “I don’t know much about guns but I/ I’ve been shot by you” is just lazy. But not as lazy as that hair metal guitar solo!

Verdict: Looks like I found a cure for insomnia!


WHOA. Where did this come from? Sounding like 80s R&B is a good look for Beyoncé, as it lets her voice take on that sultry yet strong quality that people attribute to even her worst songs. Also, that chorus, holy shit. Absolutely destroys everything in its path, and has me seat-dancing like a motherfucker right now. Most pleasant surprise of this whole exercise is how much I’m into this song.

Verdict:if every Beyoncé song was 50% as good as this, I would be a card-carrying Beyhive member.

So what did I learn? Beyoncé doesn’t suck! I went into this dreading slogging through each of these songs multiple times, but it was almost enjoyable! I found that Beyoncé’s vocals can carry the more mediocre of her songs, and when allowed to breathe and do their thing, they can make a good song excellent. On that note, “Love On Top” is getting that Young Spotify Starred Status.

Luis Paez-Pumar went above and beyondcé the call of duty with this one. He's on Twitter - @paezpumarL