This story is over 5 years old.


Martha Stewart interviewde Justin Bieber en hemeltjelief wat een gesprek was dat

Voor de laatste editie van ‘Interview Magazine’ spraken de twee over auto’s en Biebers kennis over de techindustrie.

Foto Steve Klein

Het is bijna onmogelijk om geen mening over Justin Bieber te hebben. Hij is zo ongeveer de grootste mannelijke popster op aarde en een van de eerste artiesten die we met zijn allen dankzij het internet hebben zien opgroeien van jochie naar volwassen man – of knul, hoe je hem ook noemen wilt. Logischerwijs neemt hij nu ook meer tijd voor volwassen dingen, zoals doordachte verses op tracks met Jack U en rond de tafel zitten met Interview Magazine, dat eind jaren zestig door Andy Warhol is opgezet. En wie tegenover hem zat? Martha Stewart. Yes, de Martha Stewart: beroemd zakenvrouw (denk in de richting van de Nina Brink van Amerika), schrijfster en tv-persoonlijkheid. Check hieronder de hoogtepunten en lees het volledige interview hier.


Ooit afgevraagd hoe hij zijn geweldige manager Scooter Braun ontmoette? Bieber vertelt het allemaal.

"He kind of stalked me, basically. He got in touch with a lot of people in Stratford because he couldn’t get in touch with me. My mom’s last name is Mallette, and my last name is Bieber, so he contacted my great aunt, who I’d never met before. He contacted the school board. My mom was getting all these messages saying, “This guy named Scooter is trying to get in touch with you.” After a while, it got kind of creepy to my mom, so she finally gave him a call to tell him to stop calling. She ended up talking to him for about two hours. They kept in touch, and we eventually made a trip out to Atlanta to see what he’s about and to see what kind of connections he could get."

Het interview ging ook over belangrijke dingen – zoals zijn educatie (waarvan het antwoord je mogelijk zal verrassen).

STEWART: Did you drop out of school, Justin?
BIEBER: No, I finished high school with a 4.0 GPA.

Bieber is veel rijker dan de meeste mensen. Hoe gaat hij zijn geld in de toekomst veilig stellen?

STEWART: And what else do you invest in?
BIEBER: A lot of tech investments.
STEWART: Like Facebook?
BIEBER: A lot of different tech investments, but not a lot I can speak on because we want to kind of keep that private.
STEWART: What interests you in the tech world?
BIEBER: Just the fact that there’s such a big return. We’ve got someone who’s very smart in that world who helps us figure out what’s going to blow up and … I don’t know, I just like tech.


Gotta love tech, net als de Biebs. En we weten dat je zijn muziek de bom vindt, dus wat staat er nog op de planning?

STEWART: What can you tell us about what you’re working on?
BIEBER: The new album’s going really well. I’m working a lot with Skrillex and Diplo and this guy named Poo Bear, who’s an incredible writer. We’ve just been getting our groove. You kind of go through a period where you’re in there and nothing comes and nothing comes, and then, finally, it’s like bang- bang-bang—you get them all in a row. I’m at a place where I’m really happy and I’m ready to share my music.
STEWART: Is the new album romantic?
BIEBER: It’s just very personal. People will be able to really get in to where my heart is. It’s about my jour- ney in life—stuff that I’ve been through. Maybe I can teach a lesson, certain things that are inspiring.

Maar dé vraag die altijd in ons hoofd is blijven rondspoken: welke auto’s heeft hij?

STEWART: What about cars? I thought you were a big car guy.
BIEBER: I do love cars. I’ve got a Ferrari.
STEWART: What color?
BIEBER: It’s red. And then I have an Audi R8, which is matte black. I have a Range Rover. I have a Mercedes-Maybach.
STEWART: You have a Maybach? My dream car. Do you sit in the front seat or the backseat?
BIEBER: I ride in the back.
STEWART: Isn’t it fabulous?
STEWART: So where do you keep all those cars?
BIEBER: I actually own a piece of West Coast Cus- toms. It’s a car company out here that does up really nice cars. So I keep a lot of them in the shop on dis- play when I’m not using them. Just to help out the business. I’ve always loved doing up my cars, so being able to just take my car in at any time and tell them what to do, and not have to pay for it because I own the company, is pretty cool.
STEWART: That’s very cool.

Al met al, het interview van Interview Magazine moet je zeker lezen.