  • TOXIC: Amazon - Trailer

    We went to investigate an environmental activist's murder in Marabé, Brazil, the front lines of the fight to preserve or plow under the Amazon Rainforest and a town so lawless and violent that the locals call it Marabála (that means Mara-bullets).

  • TOXIC: Golfo

    Em abril de 2010, um duto no Golfo do México começou a ejacular meio milhão de galões óleo por dia. Fomos até lá conferir o estrago pessoalmente.

  • TOXIC: Gulf

    Who cleans up after the clean-uppers?

  • TOXIC: Gulf

    BP gets prepped to lay yet another egg.

  • TOXIC: Gulf

    As the rest of the world busts a gasket over dying pelicans, we sent Baby Balls down to Louisian-aye-ay to hang out with some humans whose lives just got smothered in oil.

  • TOXIC: West Virginia

    VBS investigates mountain-top removal in Appalachia - and shows us what the end of the world looks like.

  • TOXIC: Imperial Valley

    In the burning fields of Southern California’s Imperial Valley, the honey bee population is dying, and so are millions of fish in the Salton Sea. Meanwhile, the squatters of Slab City try to live off the grid and hold on to what’s left...

  • TOXIC: Napoli

    In the city of Naples and the surrounding countryside of Campania, Italy, the Mafia has controlled the waste-management industry for decades.

  • TOXIC: Napoli

  • TOXIC: Linfen, China

    VBS travels to the single most polluted place on earth, the coal-mining town of Linfen in Shanxi Province, China, where kids play in dirty rivers and the sun sets early behind a thick curtain of smog.

  • TOXIC: Garbage Island

    Come aboard as the VICE crew takes a cruise to the Northern Gyre in the Pacific Ocean, a spot where currents spin and cycle, churning up tons of plastic into a giant pool of chemical soup, flecked with bits and whole chunks of refuse that cannot...