This story is over 5 years old.


Fred Sasaki's Sticker Proposal for the City of Chicago

The following correspondence is from a manuscript of emails titled "Letters of Interest," by Fred Sasaki. Subjects arise from spam and angst, anger and absurdity, frustration and fuckall—Eros and Thanatos from inbox to inbox. Enter to witness non...
Κείμενο Fred Sasaki

The following correspondence is from a manuscript of emails titled "Letters of Interest," by Fred Sasaki. Subjects arise from spam and angst, anger and absurdity, frustration and fuckall—Eros and Thanatos from inbox to inbox. Enter to witness non-consensual collaborative narrative.

[Aside from changing the names of city officials and the omission of irrelevant information in the newsletter, we have left the following emails unedited in the interest of full disclosure and larfs—Ed.]


Big City Sticker News
11 messages


From: Office of the Chicago City Clerk         
To: Fred Sasaki
Date: Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 5:35 PM
Subject: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

November 14, 2012
Office of the City Clerk's E-Newsletter: Special Edition

In This Issue:
City Sticker Survey
City Council News
A Note From City Clerk Mendoza


A few weeks ago I presented the 2013 Office of the City Clerk budget to the City Council. In my address, I highlighted many of our accomplishments - an entirely revamped and more user-friendly website, the first-ever interactive city sticker, an increase in dog registrations, and faster processing of legislation, to name just a few.

I also made a major announcement regarding City Vehicle Stickers. Starting in the spring of 2013, we will begin transitioning to year-round City Vehicle Sticker sales. Many improvements have been made to the sales of City Vehicle Stickers. Last year I launched sales a full month earlier than ever before. This was a pilot program to see how spreading sales out over a longer period of time would impact you and our office. Many of you told me you greatly appreciated the shorter lines, faster processing time and being able to better budget for your sticker. Now we are ready to move sales to year round.

It simply doesn't make sense to sell more than 1 million stickers in a condensed 8 week sales period. It didn't make sense to spend taxpayer dollars to work overtime to complete this and it certainly isn't convenient for you as a Chicago driver to wait in long lines or experience mail delays because of this rushed renewal period. Most importantly, I am hopeful that this will help you better budget for this expense, especially anyone who has had to buy the license plate sticker and City Vehicle Sticker in the same month or families who own multiple vehicles.


In order to help you budget better and avoid paying for multiple stickers at once, our proposal is for your City Vehicle Sticker to expire 6 months after your license plate sticker expiration date. For example, if your license plate sticker expires in March, your city sticker will be up for renewal in September.

We'll be conducting a number of surveys and asking for your feedback over the next few months as we work hard to ensure that year-round City Vehicle Sticker sales are ready to kick off this spring. For now, know that your current sticker will still expire June 30 and you will still need to renew by that time. More details will be rolled out in the coming months.

This e-newsletter contains a link to a very short survey about City Vehicle Sticker sales. Please take less than 5 minutes to complete the survey. Your responses will help ensure that next year's City Vehicle Sticker sales meet your needs!

Read the Chicago Tribune story about year-round City Vehicle Sticker sales here.

As always, I welcome your ideas and feedback. You can reach me at!


Susana A. Mendoza
Chicago City Clerk

Take Our Short Survey on City Vehicle Stickers!

The next City Council meeting is Thursday at 10 a.m. The City Council is expected to vote on the 2013 City Budget at this meeting.

Remember, you can watch all City Council meetings live on our website in Council News Central.


Are you on Twitter? Check out our live updates during the meeting by following @chicityclerk and using the #chicouncil hashtag.

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From: Fred Sasaki
To: Cityclerk
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Dear Mendoza,

Thank you for this e-mail and invitation to speak at the next city Council Meeting. This is rather short notice as usual, but I can prepare something simple. Say 45 mins? If there are any topics you want specifically addresses I'll do it. I'll also live Tweet the parts I'm not speaking.


Fred Sasaki


From: Susan Wright     
To: Fred Sasaki
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hello Mr. Sasaki,

Thanks for your email. I’m curious, though, who invited you to speak at the next Council meeting? Clerk Mendoza does not arrange to have individuals speak at Council meetings – in fact, it’s rather rare to have anyone besides the Mayor and members of City Council in chambers during these meetings - so I’m unsure of what you’re referencing. Please clarify so I can assist you further.


Thank You,

From: Cityclerk
To: Wright, Susan
Date: Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:37 AM
Subject: FW: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hi Susan:

Please see the email below for Clerk Mendoza's review and appropriate response.

Thank you.


Office of Chicago City Clerk


From: Fred Sasaki
To: Susan Wright
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hi Susan,

You're welcome. Thanks for the followup. I don't need much arranged for the council meeting though it would be nice to at least have a projector. Otherwise an A-frame is just fine. If the latter, are you able to cover printing per usual? And how many people are we expecting?

I don't understand your referencing question. I was NOT told that the Mayor would be present though I don't necessarily object. I'm just a little surprised. I would have appreciated a bit more time to corral the horses on this one, to be Frank. Ocean of difference if you ask me. Whatever. I'll proceed as agreed and if he's upset, I have my explanation.

You don't need me there before 9:30 A.M. do you?



From: Susan Wright
To: Fred Sasaki
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hi Fred,

Please contact me at 312-744-8590 so we can discuss this further. I am certain there is some serious misunderstanding at this point.


Thank you,



From: Fred Sasaki
To: Susan Wright
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hi Susan,

I still don't understand what you mean. Is there something I should know about? If there has been some backtalk about my presentation I'd rather know now than face the burnt emotions Thursday morning. I don't need to tell you the time/money accountably factors in this. It's not like I'm getting rich.

I'm in meetings the rest of the afternoon, traveling Friday, and I will NOT devote weekend hours to this. I think I've put enough of my personal time into this project already. Look, I care about our City and the sticker initiative but let's not horse around here with monkey business. Monday I have conferences all day. Tuesday is good to recap and that will allow enough time to curtail/expand the presentation.

That said I'm looking forward to talking. What time works?

Also you did NOT answer my question about the projector/A-frame. Shall I deliver the graphics now? You can either schedule printing or layout the PowerPoint. At this point I don't care what you do. I just need this done.

Thanks for your attention on this. Someone messed up. I'm not saying that I blame you here on this one. I just don't appreciate squandered time. Moving forward I hope we'll be more clear in these dealings. We'd be hard-pressed not to be I'll say.


Take care,



From: Susan Wright      
To: Fred Sasaki
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hello Fred,

I’ll just be completely frank with you as well here – I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. City Clerk Mendoza has not, to the knowledge of anyone I’ve spoken with here on staff, invited you to speak or make a presentation of any kind for City Council. From what I can tell, this email trail started when you replied to our e-newsletter listserv, which is sent to a large number of people to inform them of news related to the City Clerk’s Office. I did not reply to your question regarding a projector, considering that we are not prepared to receive any presentation from you.

If you’ve spoken with someone here on staff that I’m unaware of, I apologize and I’ll happily connect you with that individual so your conversation can continue. Perhaps an Alderman or committee has asked you to speak. If that’s the case, I’m not the point person on their behalf, but I will attempt to connect you with whomever you need to speak with.

If you have serious business with the office of the Clerk, I’m happy to help you. But until you clarify what you’re talking about, I’m ill equipped to do so.

From what I can tell, you are not scheduled to meet with or make a presentation of any kind with the Office of the City Clerk.




From: Fred Sasaki
To: Susan Wright
Date: Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 2:33 PM


I appreciate your being frank. I'm going to be frank too and say that I am as confused as can be. I am scheduled to present City sticker options for 2015 for constituent review and buy-in. Like I said, this wasn't the right amount of time for a full sticker exploration but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Neigh be the one. Alex Holt must have been the one to set up this track as far as I can tell. I'm guessing my fee has evaporated too?

How by the way may I ask am I to show the sticker "projections" without either A) a projector or B) an A-frame?

Do you even know what I'm talking about? Should I send the images?



From: Fred Sasaki
To: Susan Wright
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 9:23 AM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Hi Susan,

Turns out I can talk today after all. I have brief moments after 1:00pm before 1:45pm, then again after 2:30pm till about 3:05pm. Then before you know it it's 5:00pm (quitting time) and I will NOT work on the weekend.

So we aren't delayed any longer by the City miscommunication I have attached the files for the A-frame/PowerPoint City Sticker presentation. As you see we are going for bright/fun/whimsy/horsey/meow/children/teenager/hippie-hipster. We chose the horse for Chicago (not dolphins for Florida) and not cats because they are too small. PLEASE tell me if you will print them or PowerPoint them. My preference is for super glossy.


Let me know.


From: Susan Wright
To: Fred Sasaki
Date: Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: Big City Sticker News, Take Our Survey, Council Meeting Thursday

Mr. Sasaki,

There is no scheduled presentation, and this project is not moving forward. I have found absolutely no person on City staff who knows who you are or what you’re talking about, including representatives from Budget Director Holt’s office.

As such, please consider this my final correspondence on the matter. This conversation is over.


More from Fred Sasaki:

The Fred Sasaki Ultimate Fund

E-mail Correspondence with Komen for the Cure

An E-Mail Correspondence with the Sierra Club: Sponsor My Run Around the World