
  • The Reluctant Roma Cannibals of Romania

    Conditions in Nazi concentration camps were so horrible, many Roma were forced to eat their children. Romeo Tiberiade is making a documentary about this terribly depressing story, which chronicles the deportation of Roma people from Romania to...

  • Cargo Cults Have Been Eating People

    I was pretty shocked to learn that a nonsensical belief in a made up deity could lead the "cargo cults" that live on the Pacific Island of Tanna to perform acts of violence, so I decided to call Inspector Jacob Bando of the Royal Papua New Guinea...

  • Would You Eat a Mermaid?

    "As sashimi or sushi I think it might be good."

  • Who's Hungry?

    On the afternoon of June 12, 1981, a Japanese man named Issei Sagawa walked into the woods in Bois de Boulogne, France, carrying two suitcases.

  • Master Of Minutia

    You've probably never heard of Martin Monestier, but he is literally one of the best people ever.