Freeze Your Ass Off for Charity at the Polar Plunge


This story is over 5 years old.


Freeze Your Ass Off for Charity at the Polar Plunge

Nashville-based photographer Tammy Mercure shoots the loudest events in the South. Today, she takes us to Blowing Rock, North Carolina, for the 16th Annual Polar Plunge at Chetola Lake.

"Man, is it cold outside," said the emcee at 10 AM sharp.

"How cold is it!?" said the crowd.

"So cold that Miley Cyrus froze to her wrecking ball."

The town of Blowing Rock, North Carolina, is full of artistic eccentrics, hippy college students, good ole boys, and "half-backs." A "half-back" is the mostly affectionate term for the part of Blowing Rock's population that retired to Florida but couldn't put up with the swampy humidity and moved "half back" to wherever they were from, landing them in Blowing Rock.


According to legend, two star-crossed lovers from different Native American tribes, torn between duty and affection, leapt into the giant gorge that is now an attraction called the Blowing Rock. The impressive cliffs at this popular spot provide breathtaking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. A nearby resort on Chetola Lake has been hosting a Polar Plunge for the last 16 years for those wanting to take a similar leap with less traumatic results.

This year was one for the books. There were well over 100 jumpers despite the 22-degree weather. My favorite people in the South never pass up an opportunity to get a little crazy, and the deal is sweetened when money is being raised for charity (this year it was the Watauga Humane Society and the Western Youth Network). The first group flew down the stairs wearing scrubs while shivering and pumping their fists in the air for the crowd. They got lined up on the pier, and the emergency crew gave the thumbs up as they bobbed around in inflatable rubber suits in a small open area carved out of the three-inch-thick ice. They leapt with abandon, comforted by the fact that the water was slightly warmer than the air.

The couple that won the Golden Plunger for best costumes was Dick and Joan Hearn, dressed as the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood. They have been jumping together for 14 years and are notable for both their excitement and their age. When pressed, Dick said he's "at least 80." With great theatrics, the Wolf handed Red a rose that she accepted and put in her basket. She curtsied, hugged him, and jumped without hesitation. She promptly popped back up and climbed the ladder as ice formed along her hairline. Joan jumped without a peep, while others said words that won't be repeated on this family website.


Everyone had a great time and warmed up quickly in front of the industrial heaters while everything from Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" to "Splish Splash" blared from the speakers. Besides the last jumper, who wore a wedding dress in hopes of finding a husband at the plunge, no one could verbalize exactly why they desired to jump. However, almost everyone was chatting about next year, when they will be ready ready to take the plunge again.

Nashville-based photographer Tammy Mercure shoots the loudest events in the South.
