This story is over 5 years old.


Grizzly Bear - "Yet Again" by Emily Kai Bock

For Grizzly Bear's “Yet Again,” Emily Kai Bock imagined a lonely ice skater practicing in a desolate ice rink, gliding around in the warm glow of the spotlight. Suddenly, she breaks through the ice and winds up in a lake, trading spotlight for...

Grizzly Bear‘s videos to date have been pretty surreal, from the cartoonish steampunk tragedy of “Knife” to the creepy choir-boy concert of “Two Weeks” to the claymation insanity of “Ready, Able.” But Grizzly Bear’s Ed Droste insists that for them, a music video is more about the director than the band. “We never put any restrictions on a director when they do a video, it’s their art project set to our music,” he explains.

For “Yet Again,” a song off their newest effort, Shields, they enlisted the slightly more realist directorial vision of Emily Kai Bock, who most recently captured Grimes hanging with the dirt bike rally crowd in the video for “Oblivion.”

To mark the official debut of our new The Creators Project YouTube channel, we’re proud to unveil Bock’s ethereal music video for “Yet Again.” This time around, Bock imagined a lonely ice skater practicing in a desolate ice rink, gliding around in the warm glow of the spotlight. Suddenly, she breaks through the ice and winds up in a lake, trading spotlight for moonlight, and emerging in a forest for a long walk back home in her ice skates (which looks anything but easy).

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