This story is over 5 years old.

same sex marriage news

Same Sex Canberra Couples Who Wed in 2013 Get Free Marriages

The ACT Government is waiving their application fees.

For a brief moment in 2013, same-sex marriage was legal in the Australian Capital Territory. Less than a week after the ACT government legislated to this effect, the High Court overturned the law and around 80 marriages were annulled. Those couples will see justice today: the ACT Attorney-General has announced they will be allowed to re-apply for marriage licences, with the fees waived.

"We're pleased this is another way we can show our support and acknowledge this important change and celebrate with them," said the Attorney General, whose name is…Gordon Ramsay?
"It's been a very difficult time for a number of people." He is one of very few politicians to acknowledge this fact. Couples who are registered for civil unions in the ACT will also be able to apply for free marriages. A marriage certificate costs $55 ordinarily. Back in 2013, when the High Court ruled that changes to the Marriage Act must be legislated by the Federal Government, it was generally understood that this legislation was just around the corner. Unfortunately, things took a little longer than expected. And rather than the Federal Government making the decision, we had to go through an expensive postal survey that forced LGBTQI people to watch their rights be debated on the national stage.

But Australia got there in the end. Same-sex couples will be able to marry from January 9 onwards, Attorney General George Brandis has announced.

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