This story is over 5 years old.


The FBI Discovers that Fences Are Difficult

If you need me, I'll be at the bar.

So the John Grisham novel of a week we've been watching pan out in Boston has come to a close, and you're probably ready to stop watching the news forever. Well, that would be a silly thing to do because with one suspect in the Boston bombing still on the loose, the final chapter has yet to be written. The finale's yet to unfold.

That doesn't mean it's too soon to start the folly reel. Meet the world's least intimidating FBI agent. He's courageous, he's daring, he's nimble, he's cool. He's also not very good at gates.

Enjoy your weekend, America. The people of Boston are finally free to leave their homes, and I have a pretty good idea where they'll be heading tonight. If you need me, I'll also be at the bar — and you'd better be on your way soon.