This story is over 5 years old.


Ones and Zeros: LulzSec Goes Pro, America Needs Weed

_All the egregious developments fit to print._ h3. One: LulzSec pulls a Wikileaks ("Ars Technica":

All the egregious developments fit to print.

One: LulzSec pulls a Wikileaks (Ars Technica)

Zero: Winkelvosses finally give up, because if they invented Facebook, they would have invented Facebook (NYT)

One: For the first time, the President was photographed while addressing the nation (NPPA)

Zero: Why do we have so many different plugs? (HP)

ZERO: Internet Service Providers want a three strikes policy for customers (Demand Progress)

One: American Airlines pilots will switch to iPads in the cockpit (Treehugger)

Zero: Okay, who put alien DNA in the published human genome (Technology Review)

One: While Nevada prepares for driverless cars, Volkswagen’s autopilot lets you lean back and read your iPad just like an American Airlines pilot (Forbes, Gizmodo)

Zero: Hacker could go to jail for five years for stealing iPad email addresses (AFP)

One: Web pioneer Vint Cerf’s plan to fix the internet: download your Netflix movie in 15 seconds (Computer World)

Zero: make an 8-bit version of Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue, get sued for $150K (for the 8-bit cover art) (Andy Baio)

One: Lab-grown meat could cut global carbon by 97% (Guardian)

Zero: Microsoft may have used a photo of actual skywriting in its patent application for augmented reality skywriting (Geek Wire)

One: Getting closer to installing memory in your brain (Technology Review)

One: Paul-Frank Senate bill could reduce the deficit and get America stoned (CNBC)