This story is over 5 years old.


Hey London, Come to Our Issue Launch at the Old Blue Last Tomorrow

Or do you not like having fun?

Hey, is it hot enough for you?

What an awful, banal conversation starter, right? The kind of question that guarantees you will never get laid – the ice-breaker equivalent of sculpting your goatee and telling everyone in the club that you drive a Maserati. It's also a hard question to answer, and one I never knew how to handle until now: "No, it's not hot enough for me, and it won't be hot enough for me until our new issue lauch party, tomorrow at the Old Blue Last."

There’ll be live music from Maxixe, Xander The Great and Black Gold Buffalo, and MCPC featuring Edlilo and the Noisey DJs will be spinning the ones and twos. And it’s free, which I’m told is the cheapest price around. Doors open at 8PM and we kick you back to your miserable, perspiring existences at 1AM. It’s going to be Florida-hog-hunting hot, which is fucking blazing. Trust me.

That should cover everything, but anything else you want to know you'll find on the event page here.