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The West Australian Police Are Paying People To Narc On Graffers

The state's latest anti-graffiti campaign video is glorious, sexy, and cringeworthy.

Before we begin, I have to warn you about something: The following content could make you dangerously horny. Like, don't laugh, I'm being serious. Picture this: you're out with a dude, it's going great. He's buying you flowers, you're enjoying some Perth "street culture" (am I pronouncing that right?), you go see a Q&A screening of The Killing Ground, he takes you to a cafe and lets you choose anything from the cabinet, then comes the big reveal…


This turbo date was funded with cash he got from the WA cops for narcing out some graffers he saw tagging a bus stop.

Did you finish?

I assume you did. That's what the WA police are going for with their new, very relatable, Facebook video announcing their new "Operation Quadrangle III" campaign. They're trying to encourage the public to report graffers in exchange for a cash reward "if their information leads to the arrest or caution of an offender."

If you're not quite following what I'm talking about, aren't totally sure how to use a phone, or just want to see a very swole man in a very tight black t-shirt, they made this video to help you out. Side note: I am living for whoever is running their production department and Facebook page. I'm not even joking, they're doing a really great job.

Not only are they asking the public to call about anyone they catch in the act, they've also created a "rogues' gallery" of CCTV images of vandal they're asking the public to help catch. This is all an effort to reduce the $25 million the state spends cleaning up graffiti a year. They don't specify how much you get for narcing, but it's clearly enough for a very rootable afternoon.

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For more graffiti:

Scott Hocking Photographs Detroit's Worst Graffiti

Being a Kenyan Graffiti Artist Takes Balls

A Painfully In-Depth Analysis of the Worst Bit of Graffiti I've Ever Seen