This story is over 5 years old.


Drug-Related Photoshop Art - Gollum's "Suicide Stash"

Gollum staring at his "stash," which he has built up from nothing by working minimum wage for 18 months at Taco Bell.

Gollum staring at his "stash," which he has built up from nothing by working minimum wage for 18 months at Taco Bell while spending 65% of his income on skin care products that his co-workers and managers have mandated he apply twice daily (Gollum isn't bitter about this, he actually agrees; as an undocumented immigrant he also has no choice, he knows, but to agree), a few minutes before ingesting all of it in an earnest effort to kill himself. Fortunately (for his co-workers, who depend on him to accomplish 95% of manual labor at Taco Bell) he will panic and call 911 and live, waking in a hospital 3.5 hours later (2.5 hours after his 911 call is posted on Gawker) with $53,208.79 in medical bills.


Previously – Largest Xanax