This story is over 5 years old.


Pauline Hanson Made Fun of Women’s March Protesters for Being Overweight

“It looked like a few of them needed to get a bit of sun and do a bit of exercise”

Over the weekend, millions of celebrity and non-celebrity women marched in peaceful protest of the new Trump administration. The intersectional Women's March movement, which took hold everywhere from Washington D.C to Antarctica, championed causes such as reproductive rights, the Black Lives Matter movement, unionism, climate change action, and equality for LGBTQI communities. In the United States capitol, Women's March protesters outnumbered inauguration attendees from the previous day by tens of thousands—and they made their point without violence, or a single arrest. Even the new President had to admit his grudging respect.


Pauline Hanson, leader of One Nation and vocal Trump supporter, did no such thing. Commenting on the well-attended marches in Sydney and Melbourne over the weekend, she used a lengthy Facebook status to express her distaste for women protesting the election of a man who once bragged about his capability for sexual assault. As the old saying goes, there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women—and Pauline Hanson probably has reserved seating.

Bizarrely, one of Hanson's heated criticisms of the protests was that the women marching were overweight. "It's good that they were out and about and doing a bit of walking because it looked like a few of them needed to get a bit of sun and do a bit of exercise," she wrote, actually managing to sound a lot like Trump himself—the new President once told a Miss Universe winner she was too fat to wear the crown.

Hanson didn't stop at body-shaming. She also implied that the Women's March, which is estimated to have been one of the largest worldwide protest movements of all time,  was a huge waste of time. "Don't these clowns have anything else better to do with their time other than to hold sad, anti-democracy protests?" she asked, perhaps unaware that the right to peaceful protest is generally accepted as one of democracy's basic tenets.

"Why on earth would anyone want to walk around in this heat chanting about One Nation and the new President of the United States of America, Donald Trump?"

It's true that the weather over the weekend was stinking hot—it's also true that the Trump administration recently erased all mentions of climate change from the official White House website. Are these two facts connected? Who is to say! Either way, Hanson has accidentally hit on on something pretty crucial: if you're voluntarily marching down a street in the middle of a 35 degree day, you're probably pretty fucking upset about something.

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