This story is over 5 years old.


A Big Night Out with…London's Goths

Trying to get cosy with some of Islington's wariest goths.

There's a Chris Rock routine where he talks about how you know Native Americans are dying out because you never see more than one of them together at a time. Being from London, I don't see any, but I do feel the same way about goths. Essentially, they're Britain's lost tribe, our cultural Yahi, if you will. I only ever encounter them on their own, showerfacing the consumer drones as they stomp their way down the high street with anti-personnel industrial noise blaring from their Skullcandy headphones.


But surely they must socialise sometimes, right? Where do these gloom warriors go to indulge their collective cray in London? Or would a war memorial in Cumbria be the best place to look? It's something I've spent a lot of time thinking about, but in the end, I just had to admit it: I was stumped.

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