This story is over 5 years old.


Premiere: Okay Funky - "Blæs"

This is the one song you should hear today on this sunshine-drenched Tuesday.

As the weather warms up and the days grow longer by the hour, you might find yourself doing things you wouldn’t normally do. You might find yourself overlooking your classic black skinny jeans for something a little more colorful, or pouring your evening wine just a little earlier in the day than usual. You might hear some reggaeton today and think, wait, I like that. Your little black punk rock heart might open up to the joyful charisma that is OKAY FUNKY and you might realize that on a Tuesday such as this, no other song would honestly seem right. The sun is shining, asses are shaking, and today, there is no shame.

OKAY FUNKY is a DJ collective consisting of BIZ, Linus-E, Tresselt, and OK Preston. All four DJs have been producing electronic music for years but have never been interested in the Aviccii way of doing things. The guys are inspired by music from around the world, pulling inspiration from niche genres such as their African drums and Brazilian vocal samples. Despite their worldly influence, they all have roots in the Copenhagen underground and use that knowledge to create familiar yet completely unexpected tracks, such as “Blæs.” Inspired by dancehall and azonto from Ghana, this track is for sure like nothing you have heard before and if it doesn’t put a smile on your face then you’re an asshole.

OKAY FUNKY will be playing live in Copenhagen on Thursday at VEGA’s Ideal Bar so if you have an ounce of rhythm on you, we’ll see you there.