Christopher Malmo

Christopher Malmo

  • Bitcoin Could Revolutionize Voting

    One of the most promising applications of new crypto tech lies in creating transparent, efficient systems for making political decisions.

  • Bitcoin Could Revolutionize Voting

    Bitcoin, the virtual currency, has had a rough year. But the underlying technology behind it is being used in small test environments to see how a decentralized and encrypted system of trust can be applied to voting and democracy.

  • Canada's Spies Are Out of Control

    News broke recently that CSEC, Canada's NSA, was testing out a spying program on thousands of travellers in a major Canadian airport in 2012. Now the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and digital rights group OpenMedia are suing CSEC for...

  • Governments Have Been Spying Their Way Out of Dealing With Climate Change

    Recently released documents from Edward Snowden's monumental leak trove show that the NSA spied on America's behalf during the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Summit, apparently with help from signals intelligence henchmen in Canada, Australia, the UK, and New...

  • The Canadian Music Industry Wants to Censor Google Searches

    If you believe the chief lobbyist for the music industry in Canada, it's a sad fact of life that honest, hard-working Canadian artists just aren't making money anymore because of all the illegal downloading and the Google. Is this true? No. Is it a...

  • The TPP is Big Business’ Latest Effort To Buy Its Way Out of Protecting The Environment

    In its latest under-reported truth spill, Wikileaks released a recent draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership's (TPP) Environment chapter. We dove into the details.