
  • Someone Put Anthrax in My Heroin

    As if their lives didn't suck enough already, what with all the HIV, hepatitis, and chronic constipation, it recently surfaced that smack fanatics in Europe should now be wary of anthrax too.

  • Iron Maiden Is Great Thanks to Murder

    Some friends of mine in New Jersey had a theroy about Iron Maiden. They surmised that the first five Maiden albums were perfect metal records, mainly because every song was about, alluded to, or conjured up images of killing. Even the instrumentals...

  • Anthrax's Historic Achievements

    Before you judge Belladonna for calling some kid a faggot in the 80s, consider the context. Back then, a "Congressional Medal of Faggotry" was awarded to undistinguished servicemen.

  • The Crusade to Exonerate 'Crazy Bruce' Ivins, The Alleged Anthrax Mailman

    In late 2002, the Federal Bureau of Investigation found considerable amounts of tin in the anthrax-laced letters that killed five people, sickened 17 others and shook a wounded nation reeling from the 9/11 terror attacks. The Bureau dubbed tin an...

  • Mosh Or Die

    When he's not bawling about regret in $40,000 a month therapy sessions like in Some Kind Of Monster, Lars Ulrich likes nothing better than to bore people about how Iron Maiden and the New Wave of British Metal inspired the start of the thrash/speed...