
  • The Collection Plate

    Catholics, keep in mind the next time the collection plate get passed, your money may not go towards buying the clergy new robes or building a soup kitchen. It could go towards anti-gay marriage bills.

  • The Longest Horoscope Ever

    The Bible has been able to spoil so much of human history because it is just is so fucking vague. Want to sleep with your little cousin? Surely there's something in there that'd give you the thumbs up.

  • The Case for Voting

    It's so easy to feel jaded at the American political system. The problem is, not everyone feels that way. Most religious believers think they can make a change. And, really, they're right, because no one's playing defense.

  • Happy JesusWeen, Everyone!

    Imagine kids with close-cropped hair and conservative clothes coming to the door, the homeowners offering candy, and the children pushing that aside and instead offering up a stack of Bibles.

  • Watch This Hero

    When you first start listening to Preacher Phil Snider's speech on gay marriage, you'll probably want to duck out because he sounds like a hateful lunatic who thinks that gays and pedophiles are cut from the same cloth. But stick it out, it's worth it.

  • God Vs. The Ladies

    The original scriptures—the template which has led to today's incarnation of religion—were written by men during a time when women were property and mystical beasts who occasionally farted out children. This factoid explains the troubling inherent...

  • A God-Awful Small Affair

    One of these days, we're going to find evidence of life on another planet. When that happens, how will the world's religions react? Will they rethink the theory that humans are “God's chosen people”? Or will they try to discredit the discovery as...

  • Take Jesus's Wife, Please

    The tale of finding the ancient papyrus at Smithsonian is window-dressing to the actual narrative embedded throughout: the sexism of Christianity.

  • Powder Keg

    Was the film's trailer an inciting event, a match to throw on the bundle of twigs? Sure. Maybe. But those twigs were just sticks of dynamite painted brown (inherent xenophobia that strong religious beliefs create). Any little spark would've done it.

  • Party Time!

    For progressives, there was plenty to love about the Democratic National Convention. There was gay rightsing, shaming Republicans for failure with women, and Bill Clinton flamethrowing statistics like he was at Burning Man. But there was one troubling...

  • Religious Medical Folks

    You'd think that "pro-life" would actually mean just that, but sometimes cell clusters win out over the actual living, breathing human that created them. Makes sense, seeing as they have yet to develop the brain function to question the legitimacy or...

  • Cold Politics

    Russia really pushed for their new trend against tolerance last week, racking up offenses against freedom of expression, feminism, and gay rights. Allow me to parse what all this bullshit means.