evangelical Christians

  • Why Young Pentecostals Are Worshipping Jesus with Snakes

    It's been one month since Andrew Hamblin, a 22-year-old Pentecostal pastor who handles snakes for Jesus, watched his mentor die in his arms. On Friday, I called Andrew to try to understand why young men are risking their lives to pick up snakes in the...

  • Sexual Abuse Has Become a Huge Problem for America's Bible Colleges

    At Bob Jones University, the mother ship of Christian fundamentalism, students who reported rapes were called liars and sinners and were told that disclosing their attackers would hurt Jesus. Now the school has restarted an investigation into its...

  • The Best Little Hell House in Texas

    I volunteered at a Hell House in Texas, where being gay results in dying of AIDS and premarital sex can lead the homecoming queen down a slippery slope of prostitution.

  • The Best Back-to-School Products for Evangelical Christian Kids

    Tired of your kid's school supplies not having an overt, obnoxious message to them? Well, fear not. Christian companies are selling plenty of gear for your little one to carry the word of God everywhere he or she goes.

  • Go to Homeschool

    Some of my "classmates" were completely divorced from popular culture and the society around them, and their playmates were so selectively chosen that they were rarely allowed to interact with other kids at all. It showed. They were socially...
