synthetic drugs

  • Synthetic Drugs Are Busted All Over the US

    The DEA announced a massive crackdown on synthetic drugs, which has rounded up more than 150 people across 29 states so far.

  • Why Is Everyone Freaking Out About MDMA?

    MDMA has caused something of a stir here in the US recently. Ever since Miley bragged about "dancing with molly" like one of those tedious nerds who brags about ripping bongs for breakfast, columnists have had a field day analyzing why we've all fallen...

  • The Draining Process of Dealing with Bath Salts

    K2, Spice, 'plant food,' bath salts... keeping up with what's popular in the legal, synthetic drug world can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. The problem's especially difficult for law enforcement and regulators tasked with cracking down on drugs...