Blobby Boys

  • Paying Taxes

    Until Alex Schubert is returned by the kidnappers, his comic is being drawn by cartoonists praying for his safe return. This week, Matthew Houston captures the Boys as they try to do their taxes.

  • Sriracha Factory

    Until Alex Schubert gets out of jail for that prank of his that went tragically awry, his comics are being handled by cartoonists who survived his misguided joke. This week, the Blobbys are living in a Srirachi factory.

  • Chortle

    Blobby Boys cartoonist Alex Schubert is missing. Until we can confirm his death, well-wishing comic pals are filling in. This week's comic is by proud Canuck doodler, Patrick Kyle.

  • Everybody Hates Dogs

    Until Alex Schubert returns from his secret vacation or his fetid corpse washes ashore, his comic will be taken over by guest cartoonists. This week, Noah Van Sciver drew a Blobby Boys tale about how terrible dogs are.

  • Falling in Love

    While Alex Schubert is missing, his celebrity pals are drawing his comic for him. Please return home safely, Alex. We forgive you for whatever you did.

  • Invasive Dentistry

    Alex Schubert is missing, so once again his comic will be drawn by a guest artist. This time, it's Steven "Ribs" Weissman.
