Blood Lady Commandos

  • Some Much Needed Down Time

    Gayle and Phyllis take a break from fighting the war on drugs to bathe in a swamp and enjoy a pigeon and root salad together.

  • Snakes in the Hole

    The Blood Lady Commandos are two tough old ladies named Gayle and Phyllis and they are not allowed to come home until they win the war on drugs. In this adventure the BLCs plan a snake attack.

  • Pussy Winks Gets Crispy

    Phyllis and Gayle are the most jacked, ripped, and strongest U.S. Special Forces in Burma. The drug lord, Tiny Miracle, taunts them with a chance to relay a message.

  • The Iron Fist of Tiny Miracle

    Watch as two older women beat up a bunch of armed thugs in this week's Blood Lady Commandos comic by famous cartoonist, Esther Pearl Watson!

  • Blood Lady Commandos

    Esther Pearl Watson, creator of the graphic novel series "Unloveable" is now doing a weekly comic for VICE! It's like a combination of The A-Team and The Golden Girls.
