dead people

  • Nighttime of the City - A Short Story by Robert Coover

    Robert Coover's new novel, The Brunist Day of Wrath, is a sequel to his 1966 debut, The Origin of the Brunists. You may be wondering: Why did he wait so long to write a sequel? Is it possible to enjoy the new book without reading the...

  • I Ate Cake in a German Cemetery Café

    I recently heard about Berlin's Café Strauss because it allows one to enjoy coffee and cake in an unexpectedly peaceful place: the cemetery. Drinking coffee among dead people is a new experience around here. They even host birthday parties (for the...

  • You Can Shoot the Ashes of Your Loved Ones into Space for $2,000

    Going to space isn't just for crazy billionaires anymore. Now, if you're dead, you can go to space for less money than it costs to buy a mid-sized sedan.
